
Standard toolbox for window form already prepared by Visual studio. You just need to drag and drop this toolbox to your form. The Toolbox you can get it on the left side of visual studio interface as shown in figure below:




Here the list of standard toolbox that we will discuss:

  1. Button
  2. CheckBox
  3. CheckListBox
  4. ComboBox
  5. ContextMenuStrip
  6. DataGridView
  7. FlowLayoutPanel
  8. GroupBox
  9. Label
  10. ListBox
  11. MenuStrip
  12. NumericUpDown
  13. Panel
  14. PictureBox
  15. PropertyGrid
  16. RadioButton
  17. RichTextBox
  18. SplitContainer
  19. Splitter
  20. TabControl
  21. TableLayoutPanel
  22. TextBox
  23. ToolStrip
  24. ToolStripContainer
  25. ToolTip